Interactivity #4: Discovering Web 2.0 on the PLAYground

Interactivity #4: Discovering Web 2.0 on the PLAYground
Due: Sunday, November 3rd, 11:59pm EST
Introduction: For Interactivity #4, each of you will be responsible for creating a PLAYground canvas.
Specifications: Each of you must create a canvas that serves as an introduction to a unit that you would teach in your content area. (Note that a unit usually takes place over a course of about 3-4 weeks. You do not have to write out individual lesson plans for the unit.) This unit must be an expansion of the lesson you chose for IA#3. The canvas must contain:
  • (a) a text widget that briefly explains the unit,
  • (b) an essential question that prepares students for the unit,
  • (c) at least one (1) image gallery containing at least three (3) images,
  • (d) at least one (1) video,
  • (e) a text widget listing at least three (3) core curriculum content standards (found here: (for Mathematics and Language Arts/English, choose the 2010 version)) that will be addressed in your unit (note that your standards must be for the same grade level, and that is the grade level you will be “teaching” your unit to), and
  • (f) at least two (2) additional sources for further reading/research for your students.
  • (g) a “What Do You Think?” widget (the pink conversation bubble) for comments.
Step 1: Go to and create a free user account. Make sure your username easily identifies you; you may want to use your MSU NetID (ex: thomasm13).

Step 2: On the top menu bar, you’ll see a blue and white plus sign (+). Click on that to create a new canvas.

Step 3: Using the specifications listed above, create your canvas.

Step 4: When your canvas is complete and you’re saving it, add all of the following tags: “CURR316,” “[Your content area] unit plan,” and “[brief topic of lesson plan].” (Example: CURR316, English unit plan, The Great Gatsby.)

Step 5: After saving your canvas, go to the search bar at the top of the page, type in one of your tags, and locate your canvas. Open it, and copy the URL.

Step 6: On your CURR316 blog page, create a new post. This post should be 150-250 words describing your process of creating your canvas, as well as briefly describing your unit. At the end of your post, paste in the URL for your canvas. (*Note: this does count as your weekly narrative blogpost.)

Step 7: You must comment on at least three (3) of your classmates’ canvases:
  • Comment on at least one (1) canvas in your content area, and comment as a colleague; critique the unit and what your classmate included; state what you liked about it and what you might expand upon if you were teaching the unit yourself.
  • Comment on at least one (1) canvas outside of your content area, and comment as a student; state what you would appreciate as a student, and give a tip of how your classmate could incorporate your content area to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking.
  • The third comment is up to you; you can repeat either of the above.
Overall, your PLAYground canvas should include:

  • All of your content must align with and support the CCSS you’ve selected.
  • Two (2) text widgets (a & b above)
  • Image gallery containing at least three images (c above)
  • One video (d above)
  • Text widget containing at least three CCSS (e above)
  • Two sources for further reading (f above)
  • One “What Do You Think” widget (g above)
  • Blogpost is mostly free of grammatical errors and follows Step 6 above
  • Three comments as described in Step 7 above

Grading: Interactivity #4 is worth ten (10) points as follows:

  • Content: 2 points
  • Technical: 4 points
  • Blogpost and comments: 4 points

  • Please find Michelle’s example canvas by [clicking here] (you must be logged in to PLAYground to view it):
  • Consult Michelle's tips-post on her blogpage by [clicking here]