Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Final Project Feedback. . . Coming Soon

I am nearly finished grading and commenting your Technology Integration Plan(s). Check your Technology Integration Plan blog post for my personalized comments. If you don't see a comment posted, it is because I have not yet assessed yours. I should have all of the scores (including your online participation score) and your final course grade available by the end of this week.* 

After completing an end course evaluation, you will be granted immediate access to your final gradesweeks before they will officially appear on WESS. If you do not complete an (anonymous) end course evaluation, you will have to wait until your grade is posted on WESS (as late as January 2nd) and I formally post them to Engrade on December 28th. 

In the next few days, I will blast an email to your MSU account to let you know when and how to access the online evaluation form (and your grades). Stay tuned.

*Please leave your course blog public and online at least until February, in case of a grade dispute. I strongly recommend that you build upon it as a professional portfolio, if you do not have one already.