
This online module is specifically designed to accommodate different learning styles through the use of print, images, video clips, “interactivities,” online discussions (both asynchronous and synchronous) and an inquiry-based technology integration project. 

You will find that online learning is different than classroom learning. This one-credit module, if taught on campus, would require a total of 15 hours of in-class work and approximately 15 hours of work outside of class over the course of the entire semester. Note that this is one-third the time you would spend on a 3.0 credit course

The objectives, indicators and products of this online course are outlined below. Pay particular attention to the weighted percentages in the far right column:

For the purpose of this module, the term interactivity refers to a web-based pedagogical mechanism that requires you to act as producer of digital content and not merely as a consumer of that content. It also may leverage online social networking to produce an academic product.

There are 5 interactivities spread over the course of the 15-week semester. Each assigned activity requires you to interact with live material on the Web. Since the interactivities build on each other, the links will be activated in succession. This is also to ensure a communal experience (that we are all working on the same assignment somewhat simultaneously). All deadlines are firm.

Interactivity #1: Technology as Autobiography (due by 11:59pm EST 9/22)

Interactivity #2: The History of Technology in Schools (due by 11:59pm EST 10/6)

Interactivity #3: The Pedagogical Uses of Technology (due by 11:59pm EST 10/20)

Interactivity #4: Discovering Web 2.0 (due by 11:59pm EST 11/3)

Interactivity #5: Remixing Technology and Curriculum (due by 11:59pm EST 11/17)

Technology Integration Project (final) (due by midnight EST 12/15)

Anticipate a 5-day window for scores and comments to be posted on Engrade. I recommend that you "Follow by email" this course blog (by entering your email address in the box above) so that you receive timely updates about interactivities and grades. If you have a question about a score, you can contact me directly or send an email to Michelle Thomas (thomasm16@mail.montclair.edu) and we will respond to you within 24 hours.