Your Profile

How do you convey a professional identity through your online profile?
Pay careful attention to the details of your Blogger profile and only include information that supports your developing identity as a professional teacher (Is your astrology sign 
Excellent photo: She looks like a teacher 
(granted the apple is a bit cliché). I 
particularly appreciate that she is fully clothed
and not overtly drawing attention to her sexuality.
You might take this idea and have  discipline-specific
 books with their titles facing outward and legible.
really relevant here?). You want to present information that will compel colleagues and potential employers to ascribe credibility to you as a professional teacher—not invite you out on a date. Save that for your private Facebook pages. Consider your profile photo here in Blogger for this course in your teacher education program. The photo should be solely of you (do not include your best friend and/or dog in the photo). It should be a photograph that if seen by a school principal or superintendent would compel them to invite you for a job interview. This requires some visual literacy skills. What message are you sending if you females are tilting your head with your hair flowing across your shoulders with cleavage showing? At this point in your teacher education program, you know that teachers are held to a high standard when it comes to appearance and behavior. Your profile photo should 
Great photo: I call this one
"the reflective practitioner."
Like the first photo above,

this one is active and
alludes to technology use 

(bonus points). I particularly
appreciate the added layer 

of meaning through the chalkboard writing
in the background. However, this scenic
approach may be too 

complicated for the smaller profile photos.
communicate that to the world. Other thoughts on or related to this topic? Feel free to discuss.

Excellent photo: It's discipline specific and active.