Step One: Download and review the course syllabus—including all policies, practices and requirements [click here]. It is too easy to simply gloss over a syllabus. In an online course, it is essential that you are aware of both the technical and academic requirements.
Step Two: Sign up above to "Follow by email". This means that you will receive course updates as they are posted, rather than having to periodically check the course blog.
Step Three: Complete and submit a Technology Self-Assessment. [click here]
Step Four: Purchase the required course text. [Amazon awards students free 2-day shipping]. There is not a lot of reading in this course module; however, it is from a very specific ideological stance of technology. Data show that those who complete the assigned readings score much higher on the interactivities and final project than those who do not. Note all royalties from the sale of this book are donated to the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). Note: You will not be assigned any reading from this text until the end of September.
Step Five: Set up your own professional blog for this course [view tutorial]. Ideally, this should be done through Blogger. First, you'll need to establish a Google Account using a non-MSU email address. (You do NOT need a gmail address to set up a Google Account. You can use one of your non-MSU email addresses). Make sure to set the "Settings">"Permissions" so that "Everybody" can read your blog. Don't forget to write down or bookmark your blog address. It will be http://[yourcustomname]
*If you have already started a professional online portfolio, then you may be able to use it to complete this course module. Contact my teaching assistance, Michelle Thomas, for details on how to proceed.
Step Six: Everyone needs a professional-looking profile photo and basic information about themselves on their Blogger profile. [click here for advice].
Step Seven: Submit your blog address to me here: Once I receive your address, I will link our course site to your personal blog. This is essential in enabling others to read and respond to your blog posts, as well as engaging in online participation, which is part of your course grade. Look for your hyperlinked name to appear on the Groups page.
Step Eight: Register your Engrade account. This is where your scores and individual feedback will be posted. You should receive a separate email by the end of the first week of the semester from Engrade with instructions on how to do this. If you have an existing Engrade account from a previous class, then click here to add this course to your account. Note: Engrade is a free and versatile tool for teachers. You might find yourself using it professionally in the future.
You should have the items above completed by September 15th in order to stay on track for the semester.