To (re)view the specific requirements for Interactivity #5 [click here]. All Interactivity #5 scores are now posted in Engrade. The class average score was 8.3 out of 10 points. For a class breakdown of scores by last 4 digits of your CWID [click here].
Michelle and I were especially impressed with the following creative, thoughtful and even complex remixes (Note: the links below lead to the blogposts as entry points to the remixed canvas):
- Introduction to Unit Plan on Geometry of Circles (remixed with Shakespeare's representation of hierarchy) [click here]
- Ancient Egypt Remix (Art and History) [click here]
- Poetry Anthology Lesson (and Music) [click here]
- The Civil War and Clay Animation [click here]
If points were deducted from your own score, pay careful attention to the points breakdown. Were the deductions in content, technical, comments and/or the blogpost? Here were some of the reasons for points deduction (in no particular order):
- Canvas did not contain an explanation of the new unit;
- Canvas content lacked cohesion and/or visual organization;
- Comment widget missing
- Image gallery non-functional
- A link to the original canvas was not included (if the original canvas did not transfer in the remix);
- No thumbnail image to identify the remixed canvas.
- Incorrect title of the canvas and/or blogpost;
- Insufficient tagging of canvas;
- Poor grammar and/or spelling in blogpost or canvas
- Excessive word count in narrative blogpost