Friday, December 20, 2013

Course Evaluation & Grade Access

I have finished grading all of your Technology Integration Plans and Online Participation (blogs + comments). I have also calculated final grades. You can immediately access your final grades by completing a COURSE EVALUATION SURVEY* [click here]. When you submit the survey, you will be given a code to unlock your grades at the links below. *THE COURSE EVALUATION CLOSES DECEMBER 24TH AT 5PM.
(If you do not fill out a course evaluation, then you will have to wait until January 2nd to find out your score breakdown and final grade through Engrade and WESS)

Have your code? Click on a link below:

Interested in leveraging your PLAYground experience? If you're interested in participating in Summer 2014 teacher professional development (possible stipend available) please contact Dr. Domine directly during the Spring 2014 semester.