I have finished grading all of your Technology Integration Plans and Online Participation (blogs + comments). I have also calculated final grades. You can immediately access your final grades by completing a COURSE EVALUATION SURVEY* [click here]. When you submit the survey, you will be given a code to unlock your grades at the links below. *THE COURSE EVALUATION CLOSES DECEMBER 24TH AT 5PM.
(If you do not fill out a course evaluation, then you will have to wait until January 2nd to find out your score breakdown and final grade through Engrade and WESS)
Have your code? Click on a link below:
Technology Integration Plan Rubric Score Breakdown (by last 4-digits of CWID)
Total Score Breakdown w/Final Course Grade (by last 4-digits of CWID)
Interested in leveraging your PLAYground experience? If you're interested in participating in Summer 2014 teacher professional development (possible stipend available) please contact Dr. Domine directly during the Spring 2014 semester.